Pavol Jablonicky 1999

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  • wht4bigblk

    8 years ago

    If you got first by being sexiest man in contest, Pavol would win every time!

  • trojanboy

    9 years ago

    Pavol is my go -to when I want to wank to muscle. So masculine and so fucking perfect.
    He looks better with age.

  • iwms49

    11 years ago

    Friggin' fantastic! Totally superb, overall physique, with killer abs!

  • jaycutlerf

    12 years ago

    Damn he's fine. I love the front but I got even more excited when I saw that ass.

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    This man is perfect!!!

  • peccoach

    12 years ago

    Nice lower ab definition

  • bigtallmuscle

    12 years ago

    Now THAT'S perfection in my opinion. Perfect size, proportions, super-sexy, masculine and super-tiny posers. Hard to believe that was so long ago now.

  • Iron4

    12 years ago

    This man is very hot!!!

  • jbfisher

    12 years ago

    A very beautiful man - then and now. Thank you for sharing.